The employees of the Department of Budget and Management - Region XII participated in a short learning session about zero waste spearheaded by Ameer Hassan P. Datumanong, Budget and Management Specialist I. The training was conducted during the celebration of DBM’s 83rd Anniversary on April 25, 2019.
Entitled “Zero Waste in the Workplace”, the activity aimed to provide basic understanding and general awareness on zero waste and its management. It was emphasized how this could achieve a clean environment and proper management of resources, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. Common zero waste management practices were also discussed such as the 5 Rs of resource management (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot or Compost and Buy Recycled), proper waste segregation and green/sustainable procurement.

A workshop was conducted afterwards to formulate a proposal for zero waste in the workplace. By group, the participants were tasked to identify zero waste practices that are existing in the office, as well as those that can be adopted. Representatives of each group presented their outputs, which were then collated and deliberated for refining and selection. These were later submitted to the general management of DBM RO XII for consideration in the internal policies.

Some of these practices include the following: • Reducing paper trail through Document Management System and e-mail; • Recycling used papers; • Minimizing energy-use during noontime and after-work hours, which can also be a cost-cutting measure; • Providing segregated trash bins per room; and • Strictly implementing proper waste segregation.

The activity encouraged the employees to integrate zero waste practices not just in the office but also in their lifestyle. In this way, everyone can help in protecting the Earth one step at a time.